понедельник, 11 августа 2014
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
суббота, 09 августа 2014
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
Favourite Kieren Moment
Everything up to then was fear. Everything, even when I was alive, different levels of fear. But then it’s gone. And you’re like that: ‘Yeah, come on. Give it to me. Fill me up.’ But I tell you what Gary, this hunger. This appetite. I could not wait to get started.
Everything up to then was fear. Everything, even when I was alive, different levels of fear. But then it’s gone. And you’re like that: ‘Yeah, come on. Give it to me. Fill me up.’ But I tell you what Gary, this hunger. This appetite. I could not wait to get started.

"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
Hannibal: Mukozuke + avarice, hanging, self-destruction.
Io fei gibetto a me de le mie case. I make my own home be my gallows.

Io fei gibetto a me de le mie case. I make my own home be my gallows.

"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
Jace stepped forward and took her hands, lifted them and kissed them quickly; she closed her eyes, feeling as if just a fraction of warmth and light had been returned to her.
"Warrior hands", he said quietly, and let her go.

"Warrior hands", he said quietly, and let her go.

"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
And it felt so good to see his face,
Or the comfort invested in my soul.
Oh to feel the warmth of a smile,
When he said “I’m happy to have you home.
Ooh I’m happy to have you home.”

Or the comfort invested in my soul.
Oh to feel the warmth of a smile,
When he said “I’m happy to have you home.
Ooh I’m happy to have you home.”

"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
Perhaps he needs a friendly face to see. Perhaps he’s about to tell her what he must do in the hope she’ll set him straight. Talk him out of it. But she’s nowhere to be seen. Simon goes out the room.


четверг, 07 августа 2014
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.”
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.”

"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
Emma Swan
People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, “No, this is who I am”. You want people to look at you differently? Make them! You want to change things, you’re gonna have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world.

People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, “No, this is who I am”. You want people to look at you differently? Make them! You want to change things, you’re gonna have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world.
