понедельник, 11 ноября 2013
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"In novels, stream of consciousness goes inside the hero’s head and you can read what he’s thinking. You don’t have that in television and so I thought that if I took a perfect person and divided him into three parts, I could have the administrative, courageous part that would be the Captain; the logical part who is the Science Officer and the humanistic part with the Doctor."
- Gene Roddenberry
- Gene Roddenberry
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
11.11.2013 в 02:58
Пишет Vardek:10.11.2013 в 20:30
Пишет Инертная личность:Автовладельцы будьте внимательней!
Всем автовладельцам! Перед тем как завести автомобиль, проверяйте на всякий случай колеса и моторное пространство. Из-за морозов котейки прячутся именно там. Это не займет у вас больше минуты, но взамен вы, возможно, спасёте чью-то жизнь.
Полный текст объявления 18+
P.S. Максимальный репост!
URL записиВсем автовладельцам! Перед тем как завести автомобиль, проверяйте на всякий случай колеса и моторное пространство. Из-за морозов котейки прячутся именно там. Это не займет у вас больше минуты, но взамен вы, возможно, спасёте чью-то жизнь.
Полный текст объявления 18+
P.S. Максимальный репост!
воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
суббота, 09 ноября 2013
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
пятница, 08 ноября 2013
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)
"Before I am your daughter, your sister, your aunt, niece, or cousin, I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm."(с)